Research Development Group: Emerging Research from MENA Scholars

Research Development Group: Emerging Research from MENA Scholars

Andrew Stinson
9:00am – 5:00pm

The full-day course will feature several theme panels in which attendees will discuss and offer feedback on current research undertaken by 7 Arab scholars. Papers will not be presented in a formal sense; rather, panel sessions will be organized to allow for intense discussion and feedback on each paper. Discussion will be moderated by faculty from the US, with a goal of identifying key areas for improvement in pursuit of publication in peer-reviewed journals. The course is open to enrollment from any APSA member interested in engaging with these discussions and networking with scholars from the Arab Middle East and North Africa. The course is part of a larger collaboration between the American Political Science Association and the Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS) to enhance the networks between scholars based in the MENA region and the USA.

*All Short Courses will take place on Wednesday, August 29 at the APSA 2018 Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.**