Part 1: Interview Series: Critical Pedagogy & Identity in the Political Science Classroom

Dr. Julia Jordan-Zachery, University of North Carolina, Charlotte/incoming Wake Forest University), chair of APSA’s Teaching & Learning Policy committee, answers these questions in three interviews with political science faculty.

Critical Pedagogy & Identity in the Political Science Classroom Interview Series [PART 1 of 3] 

Watch on APSA Educate

What is critical pedagogy? How do political science educators address identity, race, class and sexuality in the classroom? How and what materials do we bring to the political science classroom to encourage students to make connections and see themselves in the world? And how does our own identity as political science educators influence our decision to teach at certain types of institutions?

In the first interview of this three part series, Dr. Jordan-Zachery speaks with Dr. Andrew Flores, an Assistant Professor of Government at the School of Public Affairs and a Visiting Scholar at the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law.

Andrew R. Flores is an Assistant Professor of Government at the School of Public Affairs and a Visiting Scholar at the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law. His research focuses on attitude formation, attitude change, and public policies affecting LGBTQ populations. His research has appeared or is forthcoming in Science Advances, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Journal of Public Health, Public Opinion Quarterly, Political Psychology, and other peer reviewed journals. Dr. Flores is currently a member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Consensus Committee on the Well-being of Sexual and Gender Diverse Populations in the US. Dr. Flores has interest in LGBTQ politics and policy, race, ethnicity and politics, public opinion and political behavior, political representation, data visualization, data science, and political methodology.