Meet Jasmine Noelle Yarish, 2021 First Generation Scholar in the Profession

Dr. Jasmine Noelle Yarish is an Assistant Professor of Political Science in the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of the District of Columbia. Dr. Yarish’s expertise is in the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and democratic theory. Her research aims to extend the idea of abolition democracy theorized by W.E.B. Du Bois to include political and intellectual contributions made by black women during the era of Reconstruction in the mid to late nineteenth century. Her archival commitments to revisiting that early period of contemporary political thought, the primary democratization period in American political development, and the unique case of Philadelphia in rethinking the significance of Reconstruction for the discipline of political science place Dr. Noelle Yarish’s scholarship prominently in the growing literature on the “Third Reconstruction.”

About the APSA First Generation Scholar in the Profession Accessibility Grant
In 2015, the APSA Executive Council approved a new standing Committee on First Generation Higher Education Scholars in the Profession, parallel to the existing APSA status committees. The goal is to bring focused attention to the ways in which class, economic inequality, and mobility can affect political scientists’ ability to thrive educationally and professionally throughout their careers. The travel and accessibility grant is intended to support First Generation Higher Education Scholars in the Profession who attend the APSA Annual Meeting. Learn more.