American Political Science Review

Marketing supplements for Building a New Imperial State: The Strategic Foundations of Separation of Powers in America

Building a New Imperial State: The Strategic Foundations of Separation of Powers in America by Sean Gailmard, University of California, Berkeley To the framers of the US Constitution, separation of powers was a bulwark of liberty. […]


Presidential Greatness and Political Science: Assessing the 2014 APSA Presidents and Executive Politics Section Presidential Greatness Survey

Presidential Greatness and Political Science: Assessing the 2014 APSA Presidents and Executive Politics Section Presidential Greatness Survey by Brandon Rottinghaus, University of Houston, Justin S. Vaughn, Boise State University Debates over presidential greatness have been with […]


Political Science and American Political Thought

Political Science and American Political Thought by Justin Buckley Dyer, University of Missouri Written as a short personal reflection, this article explores the development of political science as an organized professional discipline in the United States. […]