Teaching (with) Artificial Intelligence: The Next Twenty Years

Teaching (with) Artificial Intelligence: The Next Twenty Years

By Steven Michels, Sacred Heart University

Steven Michels, a political scientist at Sacred Heart University, surveys twenty years of teaching advice in the pages of the Journal of Political Science Education and offers advice on how the advent of artificial intelligence could change things–and largely for the better. Instructors, he argues, should resist the urge to see these tools as plagiarism machines and instead embrace the deliberate use of AI in the classroom. In addition to seeing AI as a powerful teaching tool, knowing how to effectively use it is an important professional skill, which we owe it to our students to develop.

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The Journal of Political Science Education is an intellectually rigorous, path-breaking, agenda-setting journal that publishes the highest quality scholarship on teaching and pedagogical issues in political science. The journal aims to represent the full range of questions, issues and approaches regarding political science education, including teaching-related issues, methods and techniques, learning/teaching activities and devices, educational assessment in political science, graduate education, and curriculum development.