Theme Panel: Democratic Backsliding in Advanced Democracies

Democratic Backsliding in Advanced Democracies

Scholars of electoral authoritarianism have long considered democratic backsliding. However, recent developments in advanced industrialized democracies suggest that these countries have also experienced backsliding. For example, in recent years Freedom House has downgraded advanced democracies including the United States, Spain, France, and Hungary, while still ranking them as “Free” overall, and downgraded others that it ranks as “Partly Free,” such as Turkey. To slow or stop such backsliding, the role of institutions (e.g., courts, opposition parties, the media) and of citizens is critical. This panel explores democratic backsliding and whether institutions and citizens impede, facilitate, or have no effect on backsliding.

Susan C. Stokes, Yale University (Chair)
Susan C. Stokes, Yale University (Discussant)
Susan D. Hyde, University of California, Berkeley (Discussant)